Monday, March 15, 2010

Not so much

Yesterday I got all excited to take a training walk. Raring to go - set foot out the door and realized I have NO IDEA where to walk in our new neighborhood. There are some sidewalks, but even these end abruptly in inopportune places. I can't just walk through subdivisions because they don't actually *connect* to each other here... unless you know the super-secret pass-through spots, you get stuck and have to walk all the way out to the main road in order to get to the next one.

Did I mention yet that it was 37 degrees and RAINING? And that, being an idiot, I didn't bring a *hat*? Or *GLOVES*?

I let my iPhone choose a route for me to get to the library, which was about 3 1/2 miles away. I never get to browse in the library because I am always toting two noisy little ones... seemed like a good plan.

The first mile was kind of not-very-nice, as I was walking along a busy road which happens to have about 47 churches along it. So basically the one road which was packed on a Sunday morning. Then I veered off onto a less traveled street, then along a golf course which was totally quiet but for blue jays and robins and the like. So it got better. But after another mile or so I started desperately missing Tyler and the kids, and regretting that I was giving up some of the few minutes I have with T. during the week. I made it to the library, which was NOT OPEN FOR ANOTHER 1/2 HOUR - classic. Stopped into Starbucks instead to try to thaw out for a minute, and then set out for home.

And then it got muddy. And then it got RAINIER. And then I realized that my iPhone had plotted me in the wrong spot to begin with - so the library was actually 4.5 miles away from our house - not 3.5 miles. if I kept my walk up, I would walk NINE MILES. And so I called Tyler to pick me up six miles in.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Weekends are so lazy for me with regard to exercise. I am hoping that the coming spring will change that... as we are more able to get outside, and as Tyler is around more to hang out with the kiddos.

I can usually eke out a workout during the week while the kids are sleeping (as today - 45 min while reading a particularly mindless book - only had to run upstairs to soothe Noah once, as he woke up sans paci). But by the weekends... I just can't motivate. How does anyone else deal with that issue? And don't say you are just naturally a weekend warrior... :-)